Sabtu, 21 Juni 2008


Task 1

Study the following dialogue then answer the question briefly!

Ani : Hello Ria!

Ria : Hello Ani!

Ani : I haven’t seen you during the vacation. Where have you been?

Ria : I spent my vacation with my parents in Surabaya and Blitar.

Ani : What places did you visit when you were in Surabaya?

Ria : I visited the ‘heroes monument’, Wonokromo zoo, and Kenjeran beach

Ani : Which is the most interesting for you?

Ria : I think the ‘heroes monument’ is the most interesting. It is used to commemorate the fallen heroes in the battle of Surabaya more than fifty years ago.

Ani : Oh, it is very interesting. May God bless and receive their goodness. And what did you visit in Blitar?

Ria : I visited the cemetery of Bung Karno, the proclamator and the first president of Republic of Indonesia. How about you? Where did you go?

Ani : I went to Imogiri about fifteen kilometers south of Yogyakarta to visit the

Cemeteries of the kings of Yogyakarta. Some of them are declared as our national heroes, such as Sultan Hamengku Buwono Ix and Sultan Agung.

Ria : So our vacation is really interesting.

1. Mention some places in Surabaya that Ria visited!

2. Which of the place was the most interesting for Ria?

3. Who is Bung Karno?

4. Where did Ani go?

5. Mention the kings who where buried there!

1 komentar:

FUN WITH ENGLISH mengatakan...

Hi..Mbak e...I'll answer ok
1.heroes monument, wonokromo zoo and kenjaren beach
2.heroes monument
3.the proclamator and the firs president of the republic of indonesia
5.Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX and Sultan Agung
Tanks alot for your material...